Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Questions about college and community college?

I always see in the movies how people make fun of community college and are embarassed to go there...i have really good grades but not good enough for scholorships and well finantially i may not be able to go to a university for the first year or so...

so my question is...

Is community college a bad choice? if i work hard i can make it into a university. but should i go to a community college for my basic classes and then transfer to a university.

my plan right now is to go to college to become an elementary school teacher (idk if thats relevant) oh and say i go to community college then a university to become a teacher, when i start applying for jobs does it look bad that i went to a community college? would they look past my application bc of this?

i really dont know alot about the whole college subject so if you could please clear up some of these questions...

Questions about college and community college?
No, it won't look bad that you went to a community college. It's a good way to save money, especially if you can live at home. If you have decent grades, you can get into a 4-year school, but if you want to save money, community college is a good option. I wouldn't dismiss it.
Reply:dont be silly, and there is nothing to feel ashamed about going to a community college! ignore those fools.....most of them wont even end up getting any further education themselves.

going to a comminuty college for two years before transferring to a higher university is very fact, most of my friends are going to do that! it saves you money big time, and if you had bad grades in high school, it is your chance to make all that up!... basically, it is your second chance to a university. also, many students who dont feel ready to go to a four year college end up going community college. there can be many reasons why people do this, its not just the people who have bad grades, so dont worry about that :).

no, a community college isnt a bad choice at is just as good, if not, maybe even better than skipping to a four-year university right away. they say that many times, community college transfers are better prepared for the challenges of a university than a high school graduate who attends a university right away.

girl, go for it! go to a community college, feel proud of yourself, dont worry, you will be caught up with the university juniors once you transfer to join them! just be sure to work hard...give it your best! and no, dont listen to idiots who make fun of community colleges...those community colleges are your path to a great university! good luck!
Reply:I absolutely agree with eri. Community college is a great option for people who need to save money. Also, many employers will be impressed that you have both an Associates and Bachelors degree. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for your decision either. Community colleges often have a lot more support for their students than typical 4 year colleges which is an added benefit beyond the financial reasons. Also, if you get very good grades in college you may be able to find specific scholarships for transfer students. I know the 2 year college honor society provides scholarships to transfer students (after they leave the 2 year university). I would highly recommend it.
Reply:absolutely not. i went to a community college called lccc. i saved myself over $50,000. and i got a degree. i went for the same thing you are going for. when you go for a job they will not judge which college you went to. the only difference is you won't get the whole college experience because you won't be living on campus.
Reply:You probably won't have any courses taught by Nobel Prize winners at a community college. But guess what--you probably won't as a beginning student at a big research university, either! The big-name professors there mostly teach upper-division and graduate courses and do their research--they leave lower division courses to less-senior professors and graduate TA's. Even if you do have a great professor for a lower-division course at a university, you'll most likely be in a large class (I had one my sophomore year with over 1,000 students!) Most community college classes are small enough that you can actually interact and discuss with your classmates, and the instructor will even be able to learn your name!

Many of the faculty who teach at community colleges are there because teaching is more important to them than doing research. Many of them are very, very good at it. Campus life may not be what it is at a university where most of the students are18-25 years old and live on or near campus--but it won't be all that different from any 4-year commuter school with a student body that tends to be older. There will still most likely be student government, a newspaper, clubs, theater and musical performance groups, sports, etc. if that's important to you.

Nobody is going to look down on your resume because you went to a community college. If anything, a lot of schools will think that your experience is closer to that of a lot of their students, more than a privileged kid who went to an expensive college or university and never spent any time around people who weren't equally well-off.
Reply:Well, its not going to look fantastic. Go there 2 years and transfer to a more prestegious college. They wont look at that, just where you graduated from.

But its not a completely black and white situation. When applying for a job, a person who went to Brown for 4 years is going to look more impressive than a community college grad. Look into state colleges. Very cheap for in state residents and you can live at home

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