Wednesday, April 14, 2010

College does not equal landing a good job?

Okay, so I see some people here say it is a mistake on the part of young people who think they will land a good paying job after graduating college. My response to that is are people saying going to college is not worth it? That it is true-you will not find a good job with a college degree when you graduate? This notion confuses me as I was told all the time college is really the only way to get anywhere these days. Some people I know that went to college are not finding a job; then there are people that seem to make more money w/o a college degree.

Also, when I search on sites like monster just to get an idea of what people look for, they all want experience so how does one get that when no one will hire you?

I am just confused and wondering if I am making the right choice. I'm not sure what I want to do at this point...

College does not equal landing a good job?
Honestly it just depends on what you major in and the type of person you are. People who major in something extremely specific such as Archeology, Marine Biology, any of the Design majors need tobe prepared to be the best at what they do, because chances are those fields are extremely competitive, and usually don't offer big payouts in the beginning of their career.

BAD majors in general are majors like history, philosophy, psychology, biology, because they require you to go on and get further schooling after your bachelors including a masters or a doctor's degree just to get to do work in your field

GOOD Majors are ACcounting, Finance, Investment, Banking, or Business because you can always end up working at a bank or financial institutions. Entry level careers in these type of fields only require degrees.

A lot of people like to claim that they can't get a job, etc. but a lot of that has to do with people skills and how much of a go getter they are. If you're not social, you'll just end up working at places like the above poster at Walmart, where your job basically involves not interacting with Smart people or any people at all. You also have to know the market you're targeting and may have to think of relocating. What good would it serve a fashion design major to be in the middle of Oklahoma, when the fashion industries in the US are either located in NYC or Los Angeles. It's just common sense. Also if you want to make money, you may want to invest in the school that you end up going to because a lot of different schools are really good at certain programs, and employers in the field go to those schools to specifically recruit graduates. Another example is if you study business at the under grad level, some of the best undergrad business programs are located at places like USC, NYU, Carnegie Mellon, and the like, and big best companies come to recruit there as opposed to your local state university in the middle of nowhere which isn't known for nothing outside of your local county.
Reply:Use me as an example: I went to a 4 year college and did really good. I have majors in wildlife management and biology. i have a minor in german. after 6 months of nothing, guess where i work? WALMART i say go to a tech school and become a plumber or an electrician.
Reply:Partially. My brother is a stockbroker and is making more money than most college graduates. The point of college is to excel, so that you could be recommended by colleagues and professors. Landing a good job is based on work ethic. WORK HARD!! Ha, you will be fine. And going to college will make you more mature and ready for any job. As far as experience goes, most of the time you have to intern. It sucks. BAD. But it will get you far. Go to college.
Reply:In terms of the college thing, it all depends on what you go to school for. Nurses are always needed, however teachers are not (unless you know Spanish fluently). There are a lot of college graduates that I know that landed very nice jobs, however there are also some college graduates that have not been able to find a job relating to their degree.

I've often wondered the same thing in terms of how to get hired when you have no experience because you cannot be hired anywhere else. If you do end up going to college however, there are a lot of campus jobs you can get that will give you some experience, it will open the doorway to other jobs outside of campus.

Just hang in there, you'll make it!

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