Friday, April 16, 2010

College in europe?

hey right now I'm a sophomore in high school and so the question of college is coming up.

i live in california right now but i think college in europe would be an amazing experience.

my freshman year i got a 4.0 both semesters and last semester i got a 3.6 (eww)

i swim, i surf, i play bass and cello, i love to right, i've coached swimming before etc. i've recieved writing awards, most valuable swimmer awards and i grew up in saudi arabia. i like to think I'm a well rounded person. i love to travel and i don't think i will be living in the US after college.

does anyone know any good colleges i might be able to get in to?

also if anyone went to college in cali/florida/hawaii which ones did you go to?

i'm not sure what i wanna do. i took a career test and it said "anthropologist," "radio/tv announcer," "translator," "coach," anything with music, hotel management, architect. there was more but those were my favorite things.

i wouldn't like go to a HUGE college (NOT 20-35,000 people)

College in europe?
It is somewhat too early for you to be thinking of college, as your goals and desire will inevitably change. Do not place much emphasis on aptitude tests, they do not tell you what you want to be in life, rather they poorly suggest where you might want to set a focus on. You have a great GPA and good extracuriculars, which looks bright on a college application no matter where to decide to go.

If you want to attend college overseas, you must be seriously dedicated, as it is a very big decision in your life. It requires time and a lot of money. Be aware attending college overseas means you will be on your own for 3-4 years without your parents and friends, so homesickness will set in. Also Euros are worth almost double the American Dollar, so again it is very costly. There are thousands of universities in Europe and you should know what you want to study so you can know where to study.

If you want to go to a "famous" country such as France, Italy, Spain etc. you are going to have to take and pass a language proficiency test, for the classes are taught in the country's language, not English. Depending on the university, some are big in size, so since you don't want a huge college, you really have to do research.

In my opinion, I suggest you attend college in the US and go overseas afterwards if you still wish to travel. UC Berkley, Univeristy of Miami, Hawaii-Pacific University are schools in the 3 states you mentioned, try those.

Take Care.

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