Wednesday, April 14, 2010

College Questions...?

First of all, I am a 19 year old soon to be college boy. I have a few questions about College...

1. Do they have field trips in college?

2. Do they allow recreational drug use? Also, is it ok to do out of college (on summer break, etc.)?

3. Can you tell me what the sex is like in college? How would you rate it?

4. How cool are the professors and stuff?

5. Where can I get information for the college parties and to meet 19 year old college girls?

College Questions...?

first i am a college boy and believe me college is not for fun

you seem like you wanna go to college for fun only and i used to say that befor college

but the fact is in college you have to study harder than any time in your life.

I made that mistake i thoght college is a place to live the way i want to drink and have sex and meet girls but i faild in my first year so i relized that i have to work hard on my study and less on my parties

I'm saying that just becaus i don't want you to do the same

also there is some fun

don't be disapointed you will find all what you are looking for

in the college

and you've just been warned
Reply:1-no field trips!

2-ummm... NO...duhhh....

3-better, and alot more fun!!!

4-depends on who you get and how you act!!!

5-from the ppl who live at the dorms!!!

good luck... youll need it if your askin these kinda questions!!

P.S. dont use facebook, it is a regulated source on whos parties will be broken up quickly!!! you want to hear about the secret parties from your dorm buddies!!!
Reply:You should take a year off between high school and college because, from this question, I don't think you're ready for college.
Reply:Finally, a person who understands the whole reason for college. You'll do fine..
Reply:1. there are no field trips

2. why would college allow u to use drugs if its illigel

3. sex is everywhere. theres the male sex and the female sex

4. professors are cool and lame. depends on what you think

5. u can get parties through facebook and evesdropping.
Reply:you seem like you are 5.
Reply:College can be a lot of fun but if you really want to do well start getting into the mindset right now that its not all fun and games. You have to strike a balance between the fun and the school work. Believe me, when I first went into college I partied Wednesday through Sunday. It was awesome but it also caused me to drop out after three years with only 21 credits completed and a miserable 2.0 GPA. It made it /really/ hard to get back into college once I decided I really wanted to do it. If you're in the party mindset maybe you should consider working for a few years before college or going into the military.

But to answer the specific questions:

1) Yes. The student activities office in most colleges will typically set up two or three school hosted trips during the year. I've seen white-water rafting trips, skiing trips, eco-turism trips... School trips are dry trips (no alcohol and /definitely/ no drugs) and they can be a lot cheaper than if you did the same activities on your own. And of course, some professors will plan trips that relate to their classes.

2) No. Drug use is illegal, colleges don't allow it and if you mess up badly enough and get caught it can get you kicked out of college. To say nothing about the fact that you could end up in jail, literally brain-fried or dead. Just stay away from them man, its not worth it.

3) That would depend on who you're having sex with it, now wouldn't it? ;) There's a lot more chance to have sex in college, that's for sure. Just make sure to use protection. STDs and babies can ruin a college experience real quick.

4) It depends on the professor, your mindset and how you behave in class. Some professors are awesome, others can be the most boring people you'll ever meet. They are people, like we all are, and come in all kinds of personalities. The best source for information on professors are going to be your fellow students. And please, when you ask about professors, ask the good students. The slackers and coasters are usually going to think any professor that you can actually learn something from sucks, because that kind of professor will usually expect you to do some work and some studying too.

5) Talk to your fellow students. Going to parties you hear about on Facebook and MySpace really can get you in trouble, so I would stay away from those. But like I said at the beginning, if you're thinking about college as one big party you might not be ready for college yet.

1. when you move in you sign up for trips like water rafting, a trip to six flags lot more!

2. No drug Use[ its illegal!} only for medicenes if your sick

3. sex is common 4 stars

4. The professers are pretty cool but it depends who you have

5.Join facebook its like myspace but for high school and college people only it tells you all the people who have one in your school or college and in other schools it shows were parties will be too

hope i helped

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