Wednesday, April 14, 2010

College interview questions?

Im a H.S student and I need to interview Someone who is/did attended college. I am mostly looking for someone who attended California State University, Sacramento-or Sierra College (CA). But it is okay if you didnt attend those. I dont really have anytime to find someone who went there and "interview them"



1. Where did you attend? (Name of School)

2. Why did you select to attend,-your college?

3.Are there any famous (prize-winning) proffesors?

4. How large are you average classes?

5. Did you expect college would be different?

6. What do you do in your spear time while attending your college?

7.Describe your most rewaring college experience?

8. Do you participate in any activies at your school? What activities?

9.What have you learned from participating in your extra curricular activites?

10. What college subect did/do you like the most/least?

11. Descibe your most rewarding college experience.

~Thank you SO much for your

College interview questions?
Well, I'm from Sac and my Uncle and best friends mom went there, but that probably doesn't help you much.

1. Cal Poly, SLO for undergrad

2. It was easiest to get to at the time. The other schools I applied to were out of state and no one volunteered to help move me across country.

3. Probably, but not that I know of.

4. Maybe like 30 students or less for the majority of them. The ge classes probably had a lot more. I had several classes that were taught in stadium style rooms that could probably seat up to 100.

5. Than high school? I sure was hoping so and it was. If I had to choose one to do over again, it would be college.

6. SLO is a really small town, so you kind of have to leave to do anything really exciting. In my earlier years I would go to parties in Santa Barbara, but there was the beach, movies, lots of cool restaurants. I had 2 jobs, so I worked quite a bit too.

7. Probably finishing. It takes a certain level of strength to keep at it for 4, 5, however many years. There are classes that you hate and fail and sometimes you just flat out feel out of place. It takes a lot to always have that bigger picture in your head to keep you going.

8. I was in a club for Engineers and Scientists, but wasn't either. Toward the end I volunteered for the Cal Poly Cat Program. I did a couple dance routines here and there for various events.

9. Well, I got to network with people outside my major, which was always a nice change.

10. Calculus - I failed it 3x.

11. Same as 7
Reply:1. Upenn then Harvard

2. I selected UPenn because I thought I would like it (I didn't) and then I chose Harvard because it was originally my second choice

3. haha yes, lots. You can google it if you want to see a list of all of them

4. Freshman year my average class was at least 200 students. As you get older, you take more specific classes and the classes are generally under 40 students

5. You don't spend as much time in the classroom as I thought. For some reason I had the impression that college classes are several hours long, while most (except Labs) are only about an hour

6. In my spare time I had fun with my friends, and worked over the internet to make some spending money (wrote about it in my blog, available at )

7. My most rewarding experience is completing a really tough research assignment which seemed insurmountable at first. I learned a lot about how I work under pressure from that experience.

8. I played varsity tennis, was a member of model UN, wrote for the university newspaper (the official one, not the knock-off version), and participated in campus activities team

9. Time management!!

10. I was a bioengineering major, and I guess I liked biology most. That was closely followed by english and philosophy though.

(#11 is a repeat question, you might want to edit that out.)
Reply:Elmira College

near family, away from parents, good scholarship, good school

not that I know of, but maybe


I expected more tests

being a nerd

having an intelligent argument with a classmate and professor in class on whether or not Livy had a grudging respect for Hannibal

Dead Poets Society, Classics Society, ultimate Frisbee

That I don't like being required to do community service hours

most:Classical Mythology Least: Freshman core II

see seven

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