Friday, November 13, 2009


ok well im just very confused about college

i mean how am i supposed to pay tuition

i know that there are scholarships

but scholarships only give you like up to $10,000

and tuition is like $25,000

so what??????

how do u pay for that??

and how many times do u have to pay it???

can someone thats in college help me please and can you tell me about how u payed for college??


You'll have to pay the tuition each year, so probably that means at least 4 times. Don't forget that you will have to pay for room and board too if you live on campus, and that will likely be a few thousand dollars more each semester.

You will want to fill out the FAFSA. You may get some grants from the government (money you don't have to pay back) or loans (which you'll pay back later). I think in most cases they will give you enough financial aid that you'll be ok while you are going to school. However, once you graduate, it can be very difficult to have a lot of loans that you need to pay back. Therefore, you want to have as few as possible.

Here are two tips: first, you need to look into less expensive colleges. You are either looking at a private school or an out-of-state school since the tuition is that high. Find one of your own state's public universities - it will be much cheaper. Also, think about going to community college for two years and then transfering to a 4-year college. You could save $20,000 or so by doing that.

Second, apply to college where you will be one of the best students (based on your grades and SAT scores). They can give you some substantial scholarships.

I finished college without any loans by following the above advice. I though about going to an expensive elite private collge, but I knew I wouldn't get much financial help from them. Instead, I went to my state's university, which had a lot cheaper tuition in the first place and then gave me a lot of scholarships for being a good student.

Good luck!
Reply:My tuition is like $16,000 a year and i pay half each semester. The Western Graduate Exchange pays like $6000 no matter what , and my parents help with the rest. So if you pick a good public school its actually not that bad
Reply:Still paying for it with Federal, school, and private loans actually...

Look up the FAFSA. Most schools and the government will help you organize the extra money into loans that you will pay back after you graduate.

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