Monday, November 16, 2009


gpa of 3.92 with curve/ 3.76 without

2020 sat (650 reading/690 math/680 writing)

rank of 8/153

varsity lacrosse 3 years

dance 4 years

hospital volunteer

what are my chances at boston college or notre dame??

I'd think they'd be pretty good at Notre Dame. I applied to Notre Dame a couple of years ago and got accepted with:

3.90 GPA

1280 SAT (I took the SAT before they added the writing section; 650 Verbal/630 Math)

4 Years Marching Band

National Honors Society

Foreign Language Honors Society

Big Brothers, Big Sisters

I had also been employed at Notre Dame in the Physics department.

I didn't actually choose Notre Dame in the end, they didn't give me enough money.
Reply:BC should be no problem, but you should aim higher, like Harvard or MIT
Reply:Are you a minority? might have to build on your community service add an individual service effort.
Reply:You have a shot at those schools. Your grades are just above the mean and your SAT scores are just below the mean.

Your chances are better if you have been taking AP classes.
Reply:pretty good
Reply:Are you kidding me? Gal! go to Harvard!!!!!!

wisdom teeth

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