Thursday, November 19, 2009


Does freshmen year count towards colleges? Do they look at it, or care as much about it as other grades?

Yes. It effects your class rank as much as any other year and most large schools will probably look only at class rank and SAT unless you are on the borderline to be accepted. I am certain my lousy freshman year of hs cost me admission to a college, as my other quals pretty much matched classmates who did get in. Of course it all depends how bad it really was, and if you are actually on the border line they will probably take you over somebody with a lousy junior year.
Reply:Most universities look at your overall GPA, consistency or major progress and work done in your community helps. Generally though its all about your GPA, SAT score, and college essay
Reply:Yup, it definately counts. But if you make some mistakes, they might overlook it. Still, if you do badly enough, it can really destroy a GPA.

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