Monday, November 16, 2009


I need a list of all the majors you can take in college.

Can i take more than one?

And what is the difference between a major and degree?

Every college makes its own list of majors (and the names for the same things can vary slightly from school to school, like "acting," "drama" or "theater"). Most four-year colleges offer majors in the same basic subjects you can take in high school: English, math, biology, chemistry, physics, languages like French or Latin, American history, world history, music, art, journalism, drama, business, psychology, economics and so on. Any given college probably also offers a few more quirky things, like astronomy, peace studies, bagpipe playing, or Norwegian.

Some schools offer nothing but a fantastic range of classes and majors in just one subject area, like fashion, art, or technology. They're a good choice if you already know what area you're most interested in. If the whole school is about science, you'll probably be able to major in not just "biology" but one specific kind of biology, like "molecular biology."

There are a couple more commonly offered majors:

One is "pre-med," for people who are aiming to become doctors. They take courses in multiple branches of science, to lay a good foundation for all the specific medical knowledge they will learn in graduate school.

Another similar one is "pre-law." You study to be a lawyer in grad school, after you get your four-year degree, so this is a preparatory course for that.

Most schools offer a "general studies" degree, or some name like that, which just means you took four years' worth of classes and learned a lot, but not enough on any one subject to qualify for a degree in that subject.

Some also offer a create-your-own major. If you are interested in a subject that isn't on the list of majors, you may be able to cobble together classes from different areas that fit your interest. One example would be "the Middle Ages." You would take the medieval-art classes, the medieval-history classes, and so on. The school has to approve your creation, though. You can't just major in "easy classes" and take Physics For Poets, Intro to Psych, Beginning Watercolors, and Elementary Spanish.

Finally, some schools offer 'interdisciplinary majors' which combine classes from two subject areas.
Reply:majors differ by school though most schools have the same. stop by the bookstore/ library and browse through one of college board's books. You can go to and look up specific schools....

You can take multiple majors at one time but unless you do not have a job and are really good at managing time then its not suggested.

Usually major is the field of study, and the degree is usually the same but degree's are usually catagorized by level: associates(2yrs), bachlors(4yrs), masters(usu. 6), docotoral(usu 6-8 or more?), professional degrees(??).
Reply:Theres tons and should really do some research. Either search the college or search what major you're looking for and it'll list colleges.

I thought when you have a major you get a degree in that?

You can minor in one subject and have a major.

Some people do "double majors"
Reply:Majors vary by school.

Yes, you can double major.

Major is your course of study. A Degree is what you get when you graduate from college.

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