Friday, November 13, 2009


i am spazzing out. seriously. i am a high school senior and i have NOOO clue where i am going to college. i don't even think i will get into half of the schools i applied to- george washington, washington unirversity, boston college, boston u, drexel, and more. i am sooo very very stressed out!!!i should be majorly concerned right? it's only my future. no big deal.

Why don't you apply to some local state schools so you'll have something as a back up in case you don't get into the others that you'd like to go to?
Reply:If you ogranize yourself and do more research you may be become less frazzled. Narrow your choice of school down like this: 1. what part of the country you want to live. 2.Decide if you want to live in a city, suburbs, or rural setting. 3. do you want to go to a large, medium, small populated school 4. public or private school 5. commuter vs. residential type campus 6. find the schools that have what you want to major in and have extracurricular activities that you are interested in. 7. campus culture 8. Which schools are you most interested in.
Reply:Don't worry... if all else fails you can go to a community college... I did... best decision I have ever made...
Reply:No is stressful! Some big questions to answer - what do you want to do? Figure that out and see who provides a good program for that. So the first place to look is within YOURSELF!

Try some of the personality tests - match your skills, interests and values with various career possibilities. See the Quint Careers link below.

Then look at what schools offer the types of programs that fit your interests. A link to is below. You can see hundreds of colleges that offer similar degrees - find one that fits you.

Many careers look at Liberal Arts degrees very favorably. So if you like History, think about a History degree...but combine it with practical experience (an internship, volunteer, DO something).

What if you find yourself at the "wrong" school or in the "wrong" major? Change. At an undergraduate level, this is possible and not always bad. The Bureau of Labor Standards ( says college students change their major three times on average. So change is part of life.

There are no guarantees. But listen to yourself - figure out what makes you happy and pursue it!
Reply:Don't worry. Yes, you probably are a tad behind on applications and such. Or it might have been just my school who did it early. But I'm sure you applied to a fall back school and there is no reason to be stressed. Nothing you can do about it now. And as long as you basically didn't get a D or below GPA you'll probably have no problem getting into college. In the end, high school pumps it up and puts it on a pedistal and it's not nearly as hard to get in as it seems. A pain when you're actually there, but not that hard to qualify.

gold teeth

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